Hold on to your winged tin hats, boys and girls! DC Comics promised us that the Flash would be facing some major changes with the arrival of The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13, and they're about to deliver. It has been announced that The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive will end with its next installment. This isn't the end of the scarlet speedster's race, however, despite that ominous promotional poster featuring the Rogues victorious. The Flash (v.2) will relaunch this fall, resuming its original numbering. But wait, there's more! Perhaps most stunning of all is the revelation that the writer behind the Flash when he returns will be none other than Mark Waid himself. That's right--the one, the only Mark Waid! It all starts with All Flash #1, a one-shot special, in September. That DC Comics managed to keep this exciting change-up a secret is rather stunning. The conspiratorial cover-up was perpetrated in part with the false solicitations for The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #14 and #15! Even now, neither the publisher nor the writer is about to reveal who will be behind the mask when The Flash (v.2) #231 hits the shelves. Visit Newsarama for an interview with Waid regarding this stunning turn of events and the future of the fastest man alive.
Update: Newsarama reports that at Charlotte, North Carolina's Heroes Con, Dan DiDio reiterated the scarlet speedster's schedule for this summer. The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13 ships next week, ending the series. All-Flash #1, a one-shot exploring the Flash's long legacy, will ship in July. The Flash (v.2) #231 will be released in August. The true cover artwork for The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13--an image featuring a defeated Bart Allen in the arms of the Black Flash--was also revealed. "There are no hidden messages," DiDio quipped. "Don't read anything into it."
It's a great time to be a fan of the Scarlet Speedster!
As I've said elsewhere (numerous times now, it seems), I'm of two minds on this. First, I'm pretty upset that we've basically wasted a year and a half of DC saying "Bart Allen is the Flash now." Second, if this means Wally is coming back, I'll be fairly happy, but only so long as Linda and the kids are with him. If Barry Allen comes back however, I'll be dropping Flash and probably comics all together. That would be the last straw for me.
On the "new" creative team: Mark Waid left the book because he felt he couldn't do anymore with the character, and as a general rule, writers who return to characters/franchises after a lengthy hiatus usually don't put out their best work. Daniel Acuna, however, is the biggest detractor for me, as I've never liked his work and doubt I ever will. I really wish Tony Daniel had stayed on board for this "relaunch" or whatever its to be called.
That said, I hope I'm worrying over nothing and that good things are in store for the book.
Assuming the updated schedule information is correct, at the very least we won't have to wait two months for a Flash comic as was originally announced.
"All-Flash"...cute. :)
That's a silly thing for Didio to say.
With comic books I think you really ARE supposed to judge the book by its cover. It may not be a literal translation, but it oughta mean something.
Well, at least Bart finally got drawn where he didn't look like he was already in his 30s. :x Can't wait to pick this book up though~!
That was sneaky of DiDio. There were no "hidden messages" on that cover all right -- it was all out in the open.
- Z
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