Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Onomatopoeia: SCREEEECCH!

SCREEEECCH!: Here we have a classic piece of onomatopoeia, the high-pitched squeal of a car's wheels grinding against asphalt as it careens out of control at high speed. In this case, the scream has been caused by the scarlet speedster slapping the getaway car's tires! "The rubber will get so old--instantly--that it'll become brittle and shatter!" Next time you happen to hear a similar sort of screech whilst happily motoring, just be glad you're not trying to escape the fastest man alive!
Issue: The Flash #146 (August 1964)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
On Sale: The Flash: Rebirth #6
It's been a long time coming, but the finale of the epic mini-series that brought Barry Allen screaming back to life is finally upon us. The Flash: Rebirth concludes with its sixth and final issue, on sale tomorrow. The tale promises high-stakes drama, high-speed action, and a crash course in the paradoxes inherent to temporal mechanics. Who could ask for more? As ever, visit DC Comics for further details.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver. In a battle along the outskirts of time, the secrets of the Speed Force have been revealed! The new arch-nemesis of those who ride the lightning is coming for Iris Allen. And the Barry Allen you knew is gone forever... or is he? What change does Wally West face? What destiny will Kid Flash choose? Prepare to meet a Flash Family that's both familiar and different...and get to the starting line for the next epic adventures of the Speed Force! DC Universe. 32pg. Color. $2.99 US. On Sale February 24, 2010.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver. In a battle along the outskirts of time, the secrets of the Speed Force have been revealed! The new arch-nemesis of those who ride the lightning is coming for Iris Allen. And the Barry Allen you knew is gone forever... or is he? What change does Wally West face? What destiny will Kid Flash choose? Prepare to meet a Flash Family that's both familiar and different...and get to the starting line for the next epic adventures of the Speed Force! DC Universe. 32pg. Color. $2.99 US. On Sale February 24, 2010.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Flash Facts: Stamina of the Cheetah

"Although the cheetah is the fastest of all land animals--estimates range as high as 84 miles per hour--it can maintain this amazing speed only over a very short distance. When subjected to a 500-yard test on an oval track, a cheetah was clocked at an average speed of only 44 mi/hr (about equal to that of the fastest race horse)."
Issue: The Flash #156 (November 1965)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
On Sale: Blackest Night: The Flash #3
"In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars--for hope burns bright!" On sale today from DC Comics is the third and final installment of Blackest Night: The Flash. As the colorful cover from Scott Kolins reveals, the issue follows the exploits of Barry Allen, Blue Lantern! The crimson-turned-cerulean comet, emblematic of hope to all in the DC Universe, will be chasing down the Black Lantern Reverse-Flash, whose paradoxical origin is tied to the forthcoming final chapter of The Flash: Rebirth. (Confused yet? I'm betting you will be even when all of this is over!) Visit DC Comics online for more details on this week's new releases.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and cover by Scott Kolins; Variant cover by Francis Manapul. It's a case of the chicken-or-the-egg as Barry Allen takes on the Black Lantern Reverse-Flash and seeks answers to the very nature of Professor Zoom's impending resurrection. Plus, the Rogues witness an act so horrifying that it changes one of their own forever. DC Universe. 32pg. Color. $2.99 US. On sale February 17, 2010.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and cover by Scott Kolins; Variant cover by Francis Manapul. It's a case of the chicken-or-the-egg as Barry Allen takes on the Black Lantern Reverse-Flash and seeks answers to the very nature of Professor Zoom's impending resurrection. Plus, the Rogues witness an act so horrifying that it changes one of their own forever. DC Universe. 32pg. Color. $2.99 US. On sale February 17, 2010.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Upcoming: The Flash #2
If you can tear your eyes from the expectation-raising cover for Brightest Day #1 (Aquaman is dead; long live Aquaman!), you'll find that a solicitation for The Flash #2 has been released along with information on all of DC Comics's Brightest Day books for the month of May. The second issue of the new volume seems to promise a classic run-in with Captain Cold. Given the relentless snow that's been buffeting the east coast, we can sympathize, Barry! Visit DC's The Source for a closer look at all of the upcoming comics.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and cover by Francis Manapul; 1:10 variant cover by Ryan Sook. Brightest Day shines its light on the continuing saga of Barry Allen--The Fastest Man Alive! The Flash continues his investigation into the “Dastardly Death of the Rogues” as the case takes a dramatic turn and Barry corners a suspect… and can’t believe who it is! On sale May 12, 2010. 32 pg. FC. $2.99 US.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and cover by Francis Manapul; 1:10 variant cover by Ryan Sook. Brightest Day shines its light on the continuing saga of Barry Allen--The Fastest Man Alive! The Flash continues his investigation into the “Dastardly Death of the Rogues” as the case takes a dramatic turn and Barry corners a suspect… and can’t believe who it is! On sale May 12, 2010. 32 pg. FC. $2.99 US.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Flash Facts: Jupiter's Rotation

Illustration: "Jupiter's rapid rotation--two views of the planet taken one hour apart."
Issue: The Flash #134 (February 1963)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Onomatopoeia: SLAP!

SLAP!: There is an art to onomatopoeia, a poetic blending of the verbal and the visual that is capable of instantaneously conveying great power and emotion. And, like any art form, onomatopoeia has its nuances. Simply presenting the literal term for a given comic book action in a bold font and bright colors would be missing the point completely, of course. There's no doubt about that.
Issue: All-Flash #28 (April-May 1947)
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
The Flash Soundtrack

Anyone who has perused the episodic reviews of this blog's Live Action feature knows precisely how I feel about this announcement. Shirley Walker's incredible soundtrack work on the series stood out and unquestionably served to help the scarlet speedster's adventures stand apart from other televised fare. Indeed, on more than one occasion, her enticing, jazzy, energetic compositions single-handedly raised the caliber of an otherwise unremarkable story. Walker was a truly gifted composer and this is truly wonderful news. I can't wait to get my hands on this album!
Visit La-La Land Records for further release details and ordering information. The complete track listing for the two-disc album is as follows...
- Main Title Theme† (Danny Elfman) 1:32
- The Flash – Pilot Main Title Theme / Street Danger† 2:44
- Explosion 1:46
- Dark Rider Den / Rick Dies 2:18
- Meeting Tina / Treadmill 2:08
- Riders Embarrass Police 1:29
- Track Running Test 1:18
- Barry's Brother† 3:53
- Funeral / Father & Son 1:20
- First Flash Attack† 4:34
- Tina Meets Iris / Iris Comes Over 2:32
- The Flash Toys With Riders 1:26
- Barry's Breakdown 1:26
- Invasion / The Fighting Starts 2:32
- The Flash Joins The Fight† 1:34
- Pike Beats The Flash / Flash Beats Pike 8:28
- Barry & Tina / Barry & Sean† 1:05
- THE FLASH: Pilot End Credits† 1:03
- Hot Spell 0:43
- Solid Stiffs / Bomb Squad / The Cold Hand Of Death 2:57
- Snow Dome / Iced Stiff† / Hypothermia 3:11
- No Witnesses 0:43
- The Ice Man Cometh / The Frozen Bus & Frozen Cops /
The Big Chill† / Julio, THE FLASH? 2:07
- Car Phone Call / Megan In Distress 2:34
- The Flash Saves Megan 1:35
- Hypertoss And Turn / Not Too Tired For Hyperlove /
Tricky Escape 3:11
- Skitoid Trickster 1:21
- Gag Me With A Flash† 1:03
- The Lounge Lizard† 2:33
- Barry Gets Hung Up 3:28
- Murph The Flash† 0:27
- The Real Flash† 0:55
- Baked You A Cake / Flash Struggles† / That's All Folks††† 2:33
- The Flash Shot Down 1:18
- THE FLASH: End Credits† (Danny Elfman) 1:01
Disc One Total Time: 77:05
- Main Title Theme (w. FX)† (Danny Elfman) 1:32
- Megan Lockhart, P.I. 1:43
- Fire / Rescue / Megan’s Theme 1:55
- Lounge Lizard / Man Behind The Mask 1:41
- Star Labs Van / The Lock / Megan Installs Camera 1:45
- Casino / Everybody Wins 1:05
- Nice PJ’s /Get It† / Take Out Megan Lockhart 1:39
- Campaign Worker† / Watch For Radiation 1:39
- The Fire Bug† / Megan Gets Caught† /
Flash To The Rescue† / Secret Lives 3:01
- That’s All For Now 0:49
- At The Stroke Of Twelve 4:39
- It’s About Time 0:27
- The Ghost Show† / Nightshade 1:45
- Special Bulletin / Get On With The Show† 2:14
- Flash Meets The Nightshade 1:14
- On Line / Just A Memory / Wired 3:02
- The Flash Gets Programmed / Don’t Touch That Dial /
Nightshade Hangs Up His Gun 3:20
- Beautiful Battery / Barry Gets Kissed / She’s Got The Touch 2:55
- Two Bit Town / Urban Cowboy 2:38
- Crystal Caper / No Smoke, No Fire 1:44
- Double Jeopardy 3:08
- Mothers, Got To Love’ Em / Anything But The Mime 0:56
- Back To The Future† 2:56
- Pike City / Where Did You Get That Red Suit?† /
Barry Finds Tina / Cops From Hell 5:15
- Maximum Power / On The Move / Flash, The Legend† 2:31
- The Flash Returns† / I’m Back† 2:47
- Back Through Time† / Pike’s Confession / Words To Live By 4:25
- Center City Crime 1:52
- When You Care Enough / The Trickster Bear 2:14
- Clark Toys/ Bigger Kicks / Prank 2:45
- The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down†† 0:18
- Flash, The Executioner† / The Great Trickster Escapemobile /
Exploding Cars† 4:07
- Padded Cell / Home Of The Flash 1:08
- THE FLASH: End Credits (w. FX)† (Danny Elfman) 1:01
Disc Two Total Time: 77:09
† Contains THE FLASH theme by Danny Elfman,
†† Written by Dave Franklin and Cliff Friend
††† - Music by Carl Stalling, published by Warner Bros. Inc. ASCA
Monday, February 08, 2010
Flash Facts: Glacial Movement

"The central parts of a glacier travel more rapidly than the sides--and the top portion moves more rapidly than the bottom. (The rate of movement of the alpine glacier Mer de Glace is from 20-27 inches a day at the center, and from 13-19 1/2 inches at the sides.)"
Illustration: "Showing how the center of a glacier moves more quickly than the sides. After a time, a row of stakes originally driven in a straight line would become curved, for the center stakes would move faster than the outside ones."
Issue: The Flash #196 (April 1970)
Friday, February 05, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Onomatopoeia: WAAAK, etc.

WAAAK, etc: WAAAK. WOK, WOK, WOK. THOOK. KRUNNCH. These are the brutal, stomach-churning noises of a life-or-death struggle taking place at inhuman speed. Given that no less than five speedsters are engaged in the attack, to an eyewitness of this battle pitting the Flash, Lady Flash, and the Kapitalist Kouriers against the Soviet super-soldier Proletariat, those grim sounds would likely be all that could be discerned of the event. This chaotic panel also goes to show that, despite the necessity for onomatopoeia in comic book storytelling and the inherent fun in such wordplay, you can definitely have too much of a good thing!
Issue: The Flash (v.2) #51 (June 1991)
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Speed Limit

Designer Chow Hon Lam created this hilarious image of the fastest man alive in an uncomfortable encounter with a traffic cop as an installment of his "Flying Mouse 365" project. We've all been there at one time or another, Barry! The image was briefly made available on a (presumably unlicensed) t-shirt as part of the project's goal to produce "seven news designs each week only sold for seven days." Hopeless comic geek that I am, when I gaze upon the graphic I can only think of The Flash #153. Have a look at the image over at Design You Trust, or peruse Hon Lam's latest work at Flying Mouse 365. Thanks to King Megatrip for sending this one in!
Monday, February 01, 2010
Crisis On Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge

Some threats are too big for one hero to handle. Some crises encompass more than one world in the multiverse. Certain epic adventures call for a crossover! Prepare yourself for the great DC Challenge!
If you've made your way to Crimson Lightning from another blog, congratulations on your quick thinking! You're on the right track! The fastest man alive would be proud. Keep your wits about you as you face the next obstacle in you quest.
For our most recent Crisis on Earth-Blog crossover event, a formidable collective of superhero blogs from across the known multiverse have banded together to present our readers with a plethora of interconnected puzzles, quizzes, and interactive stories. This elaborate game is, without a doubt, our most ambitious crossover event to date! Knowledge concerning the various heroes and villains of the DC Universe is a must, of course, but the solutions to these trials can be easily found in each blog's archives. (And you thought that all of that obscure trivia concerning the monarch of motion that you've picked up at Crimson Lightning would never come in handy.) The individual challenges will prove both creative and formidable but there will be virtual prizes to encourage your efforts. Each participating blog will feature a fragment from a piece of classic comic book artwork--take a look at that dynamic portrait of the scarlet speedster at the top of the page!--and each correct answer will bring you one step closer to the bigger picture! As our fearless leader Frank Lee Delano explains, "Each blog contributes to a meta-challenge, helping you get closer to scans of obscure art and even more blogging fun than most folks can handle!"
Are you game? Try your hand at one of the Flash-themed puzzles posted below and see if you can complete the DC Challenge!
1. Speedster Crossword: Barry Allen and Wally West are but two of the DC Universe's many astonishing speedsters. The crossword puzzle below has been compiled using clues associated with fourteen characters possessing super-speed powers, figures from classical mythology as well as the pages of both classic and recent issues of the scarlet speedster's own comic book. The objective is simple. Complete the crossword using the clues provided. Once you've affirmed your extensive knowledge of the science of super-speed, select the letters that fall within those boxes highlighted with a yellow dot and unscramble them to reveal the surprising solution to the challenge!

The name of an illustrious comic book hero has been concealed in the crisscrossed puzzle above. Now that you've broken the code, you can proceed to the next phase of the challenge. Who is the legendary hero whose name appears scattered in this crossword?
A) Wonder Woman
B) Adam Strange
C) Black Canary
D) Johnny Quick
2. Rogue Scramble: The names of eight prominent members of the scarlet speedster's infamous Rogues Gallery have been scrambled below. Unscramble each of the names. But wait, there's more! Once your deciphering is complete, pick out the letters that appear in those boxes marked by a yellow dot and unscramble them to reveal the solution to this perplexing challenge!

In the above puzzle, the scarlet speedster's supervillains have tried to obscure the name of one of the DC Universe's great champions. Who is the hero whose legendary name has been hidden here?
A) Plastic Man
B) Doctor Fate
C) Green Arrow
D) Max Mercury
Good luck to all. And, most importantly of all, have fun! We hope you enjoy the DC Challenge!
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