In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars--for hope burns bright!" On sale today from DC Comics is the third and final installment of
Blackest Night: The Flash. As the colorful cover from Scott Kolins reveals, the issue follows the exploits of Barry Allen, Blue Lantern! The crimson-turned-cerulean comet, emblematic of hope to all in the DC Universe, will be chasing down the Black Lantern Reverse-Flash, whose paradoxical origin is tied to the forthcoming final chapter of
The Flash: Rebirth. (Confused yet? I'm betting you will be even when all of this is over!) Visit
DC Comics online for more details on this week's new releases.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and cover by Scott Kolins; Variant cover by Francis Manapul. It's a case of the chicken-or-the-egg as Barry Allen takes on the Black Lantern Reverse-Flash and seeks answers to the very nature of Professor Zoom's impending resurrection. Plus, the Rogues witness an act so horrifying that it changes one of their own forever. DC Universe. 32pg. Color. $2.99 US. On sale February 17, 2010.
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