Written by Geoff Johns; Art by Tony Daniel and Jonathan Glapion; Cover by Tony Daniel. Part one of the eagerly anticipated "Titans East" story! Led by Deathstroke, a Teen Titans team consisting of Batgirl, Risk, Match, Alter Boy, Enigma, Sun Girl and Inertia is out to chew gum and kick butt… and guess what? They're all out of gum! DC Universe. 32pg. Color. $2.99 US. On Sale January 31, 2007.

I'm kinda curious, but 1) there were no copies of this in my local shop, yesterday (and I got there early) and 2) I've not been very impressed by Titans stories of late.
I heard a little about the spoiler and it kinda helped ease some of my geek-cynicism about the industry (or those who run it).
*fingers crossed*
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