DC Comics has unveiled its
Brightest Day books for the month of July. Among them is
The Flash #4, which features a story that will continue to embrace writer Geoff Johns's stated focus for the scarlet speedster's modern adventures--namely, time travel. Prepare to meet the Renegades, rogue law enforcers from the twenty-fifth century! The issue also boasts a beautifully designed cover by artist Francis Manapul. This one is an instant
Classic Cover, folks! For further details on this and other
Brightest Day solicitations, visit DC's
The Source.
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and cover by Francis Manapul; Variant cover by Scott Kolins. The original Captain Boomerang returns as Brightest Day
continues. Meanwhile, Barry must prove his innocence to the Renegades, cops from the 25th century. Discover what connection they have to the Rogues and what travesties have occurred in the future. On sale July 14, 2010. 32 pg. FC. $2.99 US.
The July solicitations also revealed Wally West in Magog #11 (in part one of a five part story written and drawn by Scott Kolins) and Kid Flash in Teen Titans #85.
Methinks there is a push at DC to showcase the Flashes more in the DCU.
Methinks you're on to something, Craig. With The Flash launching under the Brightest Day banner and Flashpoint on the way, the next year or so just may prove to be the Year of the Flash!
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