The new illustration features the same set-up as before, but my how she's developing as an artist! The Flash is unmistakable in his crimson costume, and his legs are bowed in preparation for a super-speed sprint. I appreciate her conception of the character; with that broad grin, the crimson comet looks so bright, cheerful, and friendly. Now there's a superhero to adore and admire! Conversely, she's done her best to portray Superman with stern, resolute determination--perhaps inspired by Ethan Van Sciver's own work. Her uncle, of course, chooses to interpret the man of steel's dour mug as an expression of bitter defeat. There can be, after all, only one fastest man alive!

Some relatives choose to measure a child's progress by marking off height on a scale along a wall. I, on the other hand, choose to catalog a series of evolving superhero illustrations rendered in crayon. My niece has completed an entire series of illustrations during her latest visit chronicling the adventures of the "SOOPERFRENDS," including individual portraits of Superman and the Flash. I promise to post a few others sometime next week. Stay tuned!
Ha, great piece! I love that Supes looks so sad.
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Wow! Thank you, Rick! That's very kind of you. It's an honor to be recognized and I really appreciate the gesture. Now, I'll have to sit down and put some thought into my own nominations.
Awww, those are adorable!
This is the cutest thing imaginable. :)
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